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Summer of Service 2024

On the night of the Last Supper, our Lord Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, commanding them to serve others: “I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.” But this commandment is more than an obligation. Serving our neighbors is a calling, a privilege and a joy!

SPD is offering a number of opportunities this summer for members of our faith community to enjoy the privilege of serving our neighbors.

We have more ideas for ways to serve in our Love + Serve + Grow flyer that you can pick up at the hospitality desk at church. You can also download it as a PDF.

Do you know of other service opportunities, or ideas for new ones that we can share with one another? Contact Renee Putnam, at 763-475-7162 or



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“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”

Mother Teresa