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Caring Ministry

“Bear one another’s burdens.” - Galatians 6:2

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Giving Ourselves Away in Love

At St. Philip the Deacon, we offer a number of ways to minister to others in need of God’s loving care. Whether you are seeking the help and support of others, or you feel the need to offer your own gifts and support, we welcome you to these ministries with us.

We wish to celebrate your joy in happy times and support you during difficult times. We ask that you please notify the church office if you or your family are in need of prayer support and pastoral care.

Throughout the week the Chapel is open and available for private prayer and meditation.

For more information contact: Pastor Valerie Strand Patterson at 763-475-7126 or by email.

See Calendar

Connecting health, wellness, and faith.

Our Parish Nurse oversees the caring and health ministries for all members of the congregation. The scope of this ministry address the health, wellness, and faith connection through programing, support groups, and education.

For more information contact: Susan Path, Parish Nurse, at 763-475-7168 or by email.

Finding Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Connect is a strategic partner of St. Philip the Deacon for our current three-year Capital Appeal, Being Made Whole. Mental Health Connect provides community-based resources, support, and education to improve access to mental health services and to connect individuals and families with the services they need. If you need help, please call or text Mental Health Connect at 612-642-1220, or learn more at This is a free, confidential resource.


Bringing concerns to God.

This small group meets regularly to pray over the concerns of the world and those in need of healing. Prayer requests can be submitted using the Healing Prayer Box at the Hospitality Desk in the Atrium. All requests are held in confidence.

For more information contact: Pastor Valerie Strand Patterson at 763-475-7126 or by email.

Support and healing when walking through grief.

St. Philip the Deacon is a member of the West Suburban Grief Coalition. This ministry offers support and resources for those who are grieving.

Meetings are hosted at several different local churches for half a year at a time. Weekly meetings are held on Thursday afternoons from 4-6 p.m. Each meeting includes refreshments, devotions, a speaker, and small group time. All are welcome.

For information on meeting schedules, locations, speakers, and contact people who can answer specific questions, please visit the West Suburban Grief Coalition website.

Leaning on Christ and one another.

This weekly small group provides time for discussion, prayer and support for those who are a primary caregiver for a loved one. This ministry aims to reduce stress, share resources, and encourage healthy self-care for participants. New members are welcome at any time. Caregivers usually meets on Wednesdays from 1-2 p.m.

For more information contact: Susan Path, Parish Nurse, at 763-475-7168 or by email.

Support for after death by suicide.

Sanctuary of Survivors, or SOS is a Christ-centered support group for those who have lost a loved one to suicide. More than anything, we want you to know that you are not alone. Participants at all stages of grief are welcome. SOS usually meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7 p.m.

For more information contact: Pastor Valerie Strand Patterson at 763-475-7126 or by email.

Thrive Cancer Support Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. Thrive is designed to help support people who are living with cancer. If you are a cancer survivor or are currently living with cancer, and would like to help in mutual support, you are invited to contact Susan Path, Parish Nurse, to learn more: or 763-475-7168

Members of St. Philip the Deacon who have been specially trained bring the sacrament of Holy Communion and gift of friendship to other members who are not able to regularly participate in the life of the church. A monthly visit from a caring church member helps keep those who are homebound connected to the life and ministry of St. Philip the Deacon.

For more information contact: Susan Path, Parish Nurse, at 763-475-7168 or by email.

St. Philip the Deacon has skilled crafters who like to knit and crochet. They turn their passion for creating into a caring ministry for those who need a healing touch. These creative folks make beautiful shawls to send to those who are suffering in body or spirit, to wrap them in warmth and remind them of God’s unending love.  If you’d like to join the Prayer Shawl Ministry, contact Susan Path.


“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”

G.K. Chesterton