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Schola Divina

Schola Divina: Praying for Our Schools
September Prayer Practice

This month we will practice Schola Divina. Like Lectio Divina (praying God’s Word) or Visio Divina (praying with an image or artwork), this is a prayer practice of taking time to really sit and hold a particular thing in prayer. Schola is Latin for school. So, for Schola Divina, you are invited to pray for schools, educators and places of learning. Though it’s not necessary to be physically in front of an school, this practice is perfect for those of you who see schools in your neighborhood, throughout your day, or are held captive by carpool pickup!

Download a PDF Guide to Schola Divina. You can also pick up a copy of this hand-out at the information desk in the atrium.


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“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”

Nelson Mandela