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High School Ministry

“God made us alive together with Christ.” - Ephesians 2:4, 5

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Welcome to High School Ministry!

St. Philip the Deacon encourages High School students to stay involved and continue their faith journey after Confirmation through weekly gatherings, special events and service opportunities. We invite you join us for Koin on Wednesday evenings, where High School students engage in service projects, fellowship, and a variety of events that inspire them to grow in faith. Our young people develop and bond together through taking on leadership roles, worshiping God, and walking alongside one another on their faith journey.

Our young people aren’t simply the church of tomorrow. They’re the church of today.

Our students are encouraged and invited to think more deeply about their faith, challenged to trust in God, and called to more fully make the Christian faith their own. High School ministry at St. Philip the Deacon strives for a safe, friendly, welcoming, authentic and faith-filled environment that helps teens engage in conversation about what it means to be a follower of Jesus. 

For more information contact:

See Calendar Register

Koin is our weekly high school ministry.

KOINONIA, definition: Christian fellowship or communion, with God or, more commonly, with fellow Christians.

Koin is our weekly high school ministry. Koin is held Wednesday nights throughout the school year 7:30-8:30 p.m. These evenings will focus on building “Koinonia,” or Christian fellowship, through fun, games, sharing stories, service projects, Bible reflections and community building.

For more information contact:

Interested in Student Leadership?

You’ve gone through confirmation, you’ve experienced all the hype about Wednesday nights, and you may have even had a high school student as a small group leader throughout your confirmation years. Why not give back and develop your leadership skills? Wednesday evenings we hope that our high school students get involved in a variety of ways to support and lead our Confirmation program.

How will I serve?

Each Wednesday evening, we meet as a group of high school students before setting out to serve for the night. Opportunities include:

  • Confirmation Small Group Guide
  • Sunday School Teacher
  • Sunday School Buddy for a special needs child

For more information contact:

Special trips, retreats and activities.

Throughout each year our high school students are invited to join in during our fun, exciting, and meaningful events and retreats. These can range from sticking around church for a party or social gathering all the way to retreats for a weekend of adventure and renewal or other impactful service projects. All of our events and retreats are open for all 9th-12th graders and friends are always welcome!

For more information contact:

Activities during the summer months. School may be out; but Church is always on!

Senior High Ministry in the summer is full of activity, adventure, and ways to plug in and continue growing in faith. Each year we offer week-long trips and weekly bonfires for students as a way to continue to build a faith-filled community around SPD.

Summer bonfires are open to students entering grades 9-12 and happen Wednesday nights at the SPD backyard fire pit. We make mountainous s’mores, compete in night games, enjoy our beautiful summer evenings, and spend time growing as a group. This gives us a great way to stay connected as a faith community throughout the long summer months.

For more information contact:


“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

Martin Luther King Jr.