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General Fund

St. Philip the Deacon’s annual General Fund appeals support the congregation’s daily ministry and are the primary way members live out our core value of generosity.

Become a partner in the Gospel

St. Philip the Deacon’s annual General Fund supports the daily work of the congregation. This includes our Sunday school, middle school and high school programming, adult education events and classes, caring ministries for our shut-in and homebound members, regular activities for newborns and their families, worship services, and countless other programs and ministries.

“God is always trying to give good things to us, but our hands are too full to receive them.” - Augustine

Through your financial support of our annual General Fund appeals, you become a partner in the day-in, day-out work of the Gospel at St. Philip the Deacon.

For information about setting up regular gifts to the General Fund contact: Moe Hagestuen, Finance Administrator at 763-475-7124 or by email.

Click here to go to our Online Giving Form.

Click here to download the Electronic Giving Authorization form.


“Faith is a living, busy, active, mighty thing. And so it is impossible for it not to do good works incessantly . . . it is impossible to separate works from faith, quite as impossible as to separate burning and shining from fire.”

Martin Luther