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Youth LEAD


Saturday, April 12th from 8:00am – 5:15pm

A Conference – For Youth, By Youth, With Youth
This is a conference led by youth, featuring youth, enabling and inspiring youth to lead. Chances are you are like so many others feeling like this is a year of starting all over. Starting over? Building back? Ready to move past just maintaining?

There are large group sessions and three workshop breakout sessions throughout the day. Youth and their leaders will participate in the large group community gatherings to get pumped up about leadership in the church.

These sessions are lead by youth! Then everyone will breakout into smaller workshops where you can choose what you want to learn and take back to your congregation.

We will celebrate all your new discoveries, skills and ideas at the end of the day.

For: Grades 6-12 plus adult leaders

April 12, 2025 – Bloomington, MN (Transportation is provided.)

Meet at St. Philip the Deacon at 8:00 AM | Return at 5:15 PM

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“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

Martin Luther King Jr.