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Women’s Retreat Fall 2024


Saturday, October 12th from 8:30am – 3:30pm

Prayers of the Cosmos: Reflections on the Meaning of Jesus’ Words

October 11 & 12 at St. Philip the Deacon 

This Women’s Retreat will explore themes in the book, Prayers of the Cosmos by Neil Douglas-Klotz, an exploration of the Lord’s Prayer through the lens of Jesus’ native language, Aramaic. Come and grow deeper in this prayer that is central to our faith.  We will begin on Friday evening at 6:00 with social time and snacks, then have worship followed by an introduction and a prayer practice.  Sleep in your bed, then come back on Saturday morning at 8:30 for continental breakfast and a deep dive into the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer. For each, Pastor Valerie will teach on the expansive nature of the Aramaic words, Amanda Berger will lead us in a prayer practice, and then we will fashion our own meaningful petition.  We will break for lunch and end with worship at 3:30.

Cost of this retreat is $70, which includes a copy of the book. 

Then, Women’s Retreat Part Two will take place at the Benedictine Center in Maplewood with two overnights and a deep dive into Jesus’ Beatitudes from the same text.  Come to one or both. Registration for the winter retreat will open later.  

Questions? Contact Pastor Valerie at

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“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”

C.S. Lewis