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Rite of Confirmation: Affirming Our Faith

The Rite of Confirmation is administered to 9th grade students who have completed the confirmation program at St. Philip the Deacon. Each student will be prayed for, participate in special services and publicly affirm their faith.

The Rite of Confirmation consists of four events:

1. Student Rehearsal/Parent Meeting
The students meet for rehearsal and have their photos taken. During that time the parents will meet for an overview of upcoming confirmation related events.

2. The Blessing of the Confirmands
The Blessing of the confirmands takes place the weekend prior to the service of Confirmation on the Baptism of Jesus weekend during worship. Students attend their normal worship service. The students are blessed and prayed for in anticipation of their upcoming step of faith.

3. The Celebration of Passage
The Celebration of Passage is a special service that is just for confirmation students, their parents and prayer partners. It takes place at church during the week between the Blessing of the confirmands and the Rite of Confirmation. This service is a highlight for many students and families as students are reminded how deeply they are loved.

Parents have the opportunity to choose the prayer partner for their student, if there is someone special in the life of the child—a grandparent, godparent, aunt, uncle, coach, confirmation guide, etc.—they may be asked to be the student’s prayer partner. Otherwise, we have many people within the congregation who would consider it a privilege to be a prayer partner for a confirmation student.

4. Rite of Confirmation Worship Service
This is the official Rite of Confirmation worship service. Families, Godparents and friends are all welcome to gather for this special celebration of our ninth graders as they affirm the faith into which they were baptized.

For more information contact: Amanda Berger, Interim Director of Middle School Ministry at 763-475-7139 or

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“Be careful how you live; you will be the only Bible some people ever read.”

William J. Toms