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Capital Appeals

Tending to mental health concerns of our community, supporting major mission projects, and faithfully managing our mortgage.

Capital Appeals at St. Philip the Deacon

Since 1990, our three-year Capital Appeals have been an important part of how we tend to our mission—to Reach Out, Proclaim, Inspire—and how we live out our core values—especially our callings to be Faithful, Generous and Hospitable.

Our next three-year appeal, Salt and Light, begins on Jan. 1, 2025 and will run through the end of 2027. During the next three years, we’ll continue to partner with Mental Health Connect and Rise Early Learning Center; we’ll make some modest repairs and improvements to our physical plant; and we’ll continue to faithfully manage our mortgage, and even pay down some principal. The headline for this appeal, however, is really about making what is already a healthy and vital and vibrant church even more effective at spreading God’s love in a hurting world.

These appeals ensure that the world benefits in real and tangible ways from the generosity of St. Philip the Deacon.

Impact of Past Appeals

Since 1990, St. Philip the Deacon’s three-year appeals have ensured that the  world benefits in real and tangible ways from the generosity of this congregation. Through these appeals, we’ve provided food, clothing and support to the poor in our own community, we’ve built clinics, churches, schools and dormitories in Africa and India, we’ve brought clean water to families in Malawi, and we’ve helped give people in Colombia the opportunity to work their way out of poverty so they can better support their own families and neighborhoods.

The appeals have also allowed us to regularly expand and enhance our facilities to be better able to serve our community and its needs—ensuring that we have a welcoming and hospitable church home with the infrastructure to effectively support our ministries and programs.

Our Current Appeal

Our current three-year appeal began on January 1, 2022, and will run through the end of 2024. Through this appeal, we will focus on addressing mental health concerns in our community.

How Do I Divide My Giving?

A suggestion for how to think about Annual and Capital commitments

One of the questions we routinely get is “How should I divide my giving between Annual giving and Capital Appeal giving?” Obviously only you can answer this, but a good rule of  thumb is that 60–80% of your giving should go toward Annual Appeal support, and 20–40% of your giving  should go toward Capital Appeal support.

Annual, Capital and Legacy.

Supporting the Mission and Ministry of St. Philip the Deacon

At St. Philip the Deacon, members support the ministry of the congregation financially in three distinct ways:

Through our annual GENERAL FUND: This giving supports the daily mission and ministries of the congregation.

Through our CAPITAL APPEALS (EVERY 3 YEARS): This giving allows us to faithfully manage our mortgage, make periodic physical plant improvements and expansions, and provides support for major mission projects.

Through LEGACY or ESTATE GIFTS (GIFTS IN PERPETUITY): This giving allows individuals to support the mission and ministry of the congregation in an ongoing way through their estate plans.


“I play the notes as they are written, but it is God who makes the music.”

J. S. Bach